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I became a therapist after 15+ years as a professional artist and performer. Both endeavors are inspired by a love of people and their stories, and each have created a space for healing. My master's degree includes a concentration in Drama Therapy, marrying my passions and helping to concretize my work in the healing arts.


In the therapeutic space, I find that curiosity is imperative in bringing understanding to how unhealed wounds have contributed to shaping one's experience in/of the world. In exploring and validating these narratives, one can develop awareness, cultivate compassion, and ultimately become empowered in changing behaviors that no longer serve.

Years performing in comedy inspired me to explore the benefits of laughter as medicine, and the inherent healing within the community of an audience. Additionally, performing in and facilitating Shakespeare plays at San Quentin State Prison with incarcerated men allowed me to witness how the play space offers a vehicle for expression and healing. I believe the ways in which our emotional intelligence develops coping mechanisms is inherently creative. So too must the healing process be creative, pushing us to conceptualize a new way of being. 


I am not quick to pathologize, rather explore behaviors as symptoms to unhealed wounds. I primarily utilize EMDR (Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing) and IFS (Internal Family Systems) in individual work​ with clients.


Through creative mindfulness and in learning about the neurobiology of the brain, I have come to witness how building new neural pathways can shift our experience in the world. In looking at my own behaviors with humility and curiosity, I am active in my healing journey, an ongoing evolution. It is important to me that I continue to show up to the work of being antiracist and LGBTQIA+ affirming, advocating for the necessary exploration of systemic influences on an individual's experience. It is never a responsibility of my clients to teach me, though I continue to be gifted with learning from every person I have the honor of working with. I believe that every person-every story-is so incredibly unique and important. Individual healing becomes collective healing.

Outside of my work, I enjoy all things active-hiking, rock climbing, running, swimming, circus arts... I love to travel and learn new things. I also love a good afternoon session of playing my piano or guitar, or creating something just because. I am in love with my friends, and seek to connect with people anywhere I go. Some of my favorite encounters are at the grocery store, where even one moment with someone I may never see again feels so important and valid. And your girl can be found at all sorts of collective healing ceremonies, finding that the cauldron of those interested in healing is a potent one. 

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"Curiosity is the most powerful thing you own."



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